Physics by WAGmob
Appname: Physics by WAGmob Developer: WAGmob (Simple 'n Easy) Price: Size: 23M | Version: 17.0 min. Android Version: 1.6 oder höher Category: Bücher & Nachschlagewerke Download: Please scroll down |
WAGmob brings you Simple 'n Easy, on-the-go learning app for Physics that is optimized for both phones and tablets. The app helps you understand the basics in a nice and organized manner.
App tools include search, bookmark, and facebook integration. Features of the App include tutorials, quizzes, and flashcards.
You can also purchase "Physics Formula Calculator" from within this app, to help you calculate important Physics formulas (In-App purchase).
Tutorials on:
Introduction to Physics,
Wave and Light,
Heat and Temperature,
Basics of Quantum Mechanics,
Chemical Kinetics,
Electricity and Magnetism,
Few Basic Laws,
Static and Current Electricity,
Introduction to Electronics,
Properties of Sound Wave,
Doppler Effect,
Shock Waves and Sonic Boom,
Angular Motion,
Physical Constants,
Dimensional Analysis,
Formula Pack 1-5.
Quizzes on:
Quiz on Matter, Motion, and Force,
Quiz on Dynamics, Gravitation, Relativity, and Light,
Quiz on Heat, Quantum Mechanics, and Chemical Kinetics,
Quiz on Magnetism and Radioactivity,
Quiz on Thermodynamics and Electricity,
Quiz on Sound and its Properties,
Quiz on Physical Constants, Units, and Dimensions,
Quiz on Angular Motion and Torque.
Flashcards on:
Basic Laws,
Important Definitions - I,
Important Definitions - II,
Units and Dimensions,
Sound and its Properties,
Electricity and Magnetism Formulae.
What is unique about WAGmob apps?
1) A companion app for on-the-go, bite-sized learning.
2) Offers value for money (A lifetime of free updates).
3) Over 500,000 paying customers from 175+ Countries.
Our Vision: Provide simple ‘n easy apps for a lifetime of on-the-go learning.
Our Mission: A simple ‘n easy WAGmob app in every hand.
Please write to us at We would love to improve this app.
(If the download doesn't work, please try out the mirrors.)